Information regarding SAGE 2024 campaign from 6th February of the Essex Mineral Plan 2024. Now updated to include copies of SPC submissions.
The date for submitting Objections to the methodology and the sites has now passed. Over 5,000 objections were submitted across all sites, although only about 2,500 are published. We have been advised that it is likely to be up to a year before these are all assessed. There will be a further consultation prior to the release of the shortlist sites
The Parish Council has submitted their objections as below if you would like to see them
- SPC objection to the methodology used to produce the Draft Essex Mineral Local Plan- see link Overall Minerals plan response SPC
- SPC response / objection for site A89 Covenbrook A89 SPC response
- SPC response / objection for sites A92 and A93 Stisted and Pattiswick A92 A93 SPC response
Information on Original Process in March 2024
The Date for Submission of Objections has been extended from Tuesday 19 March to Tuesday 9 April @ 5.00 pm by County Council. This is due to significant public interest
Please click here to go to a new page that gives information on how to object and sample objections
The Working Group held on 21 February in the village hall was well attended with approximately 120 villagers present to hear presentations from Councillor Tony Dunn (Chair of Pattiswick Parish Council), Councillor Paul Thorogood and Alan Routledge.
There was much discussion about how important it is for us all to object to these potential sites as not all potential sites will be selected to go forward. It was suggested that we should aim to to get as many of the criteria to be as near to Red as possible as these are hard to mitigate. e plan. The results are shown for each of the 3 sites near Stisted.
Councillor Thorogood has prepared some sample objections that we can all use to make our objections by 19 March. These are attached her as a Word Document so that you can download and then copy and paste information to your own response. Click on the link to open Possible Gravel objections
These are also on the Stisted Facebook page
Three candidate site assessments have been produced – one for each of the sites in our area. They give more information about each site with descriptions of the assessments and are available to download below
For example the assessments show the hectares per site and predicted tonnage as below
A89 Covenbrook – area 29.53 hectares, yield 2.45 million tonnes.
A92 Pattiswick Hall Farm small site – area 65.45 hectares, yield 3.4 million tonnes
A 93 Pattiswick Hall Farm full site – area 130.74 hectares, yield 8.2 million tonnes

Further down the page you will find a library of useful information and documents. These include the 3 initial site assessments by the council, and we have now added a copy of the response template that each person can fill in and submit. There is also a copy of crash map statistics to show road accidents on the related stretch of the A120