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Braintree District Council Local Plan – Call for Sites

BDC have announced their local plan review for 2024 and released details of the sites put forward in the Stisted Parish for consideration for future housing needs. There are 6 sites in Stisted, 1 shared with Bradwell and Pattiswick and 2 shared with Cressing Parish. These were discussed at the Parish Council Meeting on 14 August ready to submit comments to Braintree District Council

This is a call for comments with full consultation later in 2024, then leading to named sites in summer 2025

The comments from the Parish Council revolve around the points below

    • Land Quality noting that Stisted has good quality agricultural land which is needed for food security – Stisted is grade 2 good quality land
    • Tier category – Stisted is in a lower tier (3) for suitability for housing due to the poor services and amenities
    • Accessibility – narrow lanes without footpaths and access to A120 is not good. A120 itself also at capacity
    • Transport – No public transport runs to and from the village – it only goes along the A120
    • Housing – The draft Neighbourhood Plan, about to go to Regulation 16 consultation, does not include any sites for development
    • Landscape – the landscape character assessment in the Neighbourhood plan addresses the rural setting, ancient woodland etc
    • Sustainability – new development will have severe issues with sustainabilityFor full details click here call for sites submission comments Stisted Parish 2024


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